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Love dolls and AI sex dolls are increasingly part of the conversation about the future of sex and relationships.
Now more and more companies are developing various functions and more and more realistic love doll, some of which are already listed. A 2017 survey backed this up, saying half of people believed that human relationships with love dolls would become a common practice within 50 years.
love doll definition
You’ll never find a universally accepted love doll. While this may not seem important, any proposal to regulate or ban them would be a serious problem.
The main problem is how to distinguish between love dolls and ordinary love dolls. Can an attractive doll be called a love doll? That doesn’t seem like a good fit for this, though, because lover dolls offer much more than just being attractive, they can also mobilize people’s emotions.
For example, Mark 1, a robot resembling Scarlett Johansson, has been labelled a smart love doll for its beautiful appearance. However, its creator Ma Ziheng clarified that the Mark 1 was in no way intended to provide sexual services. Instead, he created a robot that he hopes will help with various tasks, such as cooking or accompanying the elderly.
Legal Issues About Love Dolls
In a landmark case in the U.S. in 2003, there was some controversy over how to restrict the sale of adult toys in various states. It seems impossible for the state to condemn the company for mass sales of love dolls. To that end, they created new laws that academics consider a sexual privacy right.
Of course, banning little love dolls is another matter. Granted, the innocent doll is not human, but it can still have serious repercussions, forcing society and governments to act.
love dolls and society
In 2022, the Houston City Council issued an ordinance banning the operation of the first love doll experience store in the United States. One participant emphasized at the meeting that Aiwa has the potential to destroy relationships, family relationships, and financially, while others said it would cause social chaos.
However, these predictions are only speculation and have no actual basis. There is no single proof that love dolls can affect human beings and society. Will it end up being a substitute for some people in terms of human nature? Or will they enhance the relationship like a toy? There are still many unsolved mysteries about it.
Although it is difficult to study this possibility, unless love doll As it becomes more common, it is important to explore this topic as soon as possible. Otherwise, one sees that governance is based on reactionary decisions on things that could have been resolved earlier.
The New World and Its Courage
The question is how the current demand for love dolls will change over time. It has been known that there was a time when people who were attracted to the same sex would be intimidated and embarrassed to display that attraction publicly.
Today, society is uncertain when it comes to the intimacy between humans and humanoid technology (or more commonly, “digital”). Whether humans will publicly declare their closeness to the doll remains a question.
No one knows how to answer the above questions, but what is certain is that love dolls are already flooding the market. Also, it is important to prepare for this reality. Soon, laws about love dolls and AI sex dolls will no longer be fiction or science fiction.